... at least from the blog scene!
Summer came to Ithaca overnight a couple of weeks ago and we went from woolen coats to flip-flops (or slippahs, as they're called in Hawaii) just like that. Me like! The humidity of summer will kick in any day now and that's when I'll start wishing it were winter again. But that's just me :)
I've been toiling away in the lab during all this time, working on my rather impressive collection of water taken from Hawaiian and Philippine streams this spring (as you all know). I have made less than stellar progress, caused by both machines not working and me being less than enthusiastic about finding ones that work or could work. The eternal issue, I guess, working where I work.
There's also been some traveling, as in going to Santa Cruz, CA, to meet my sister and her boyfriend, both of whom are touring the USA these days. Since both Lara and Kari, as well as Santa Cruz, are all awesome, it was an awesome trip!
Here in Ithaca the semester is three days from being over. I had planned to have a full draft of a paper ready by now... and it isn't happening. Oh well.