I´m in La Paz now, arrived here yesterday morning after a wonderful bus ride from Uyuni via Potosì (the bus broke down x times...). Checked into a nice cheap hotel right in the center, and went to see my guest family in the afternoon. It was good to se them, I even recognized (almost) all of them again :)
The bad news is that somehow I got sick on all these travels (again!!!!!) and am now rather miserable. Can hardly breathe and probably have a fever. Shit. Excuse my language. My guest mom built herself a house in the Yungas, near Coroico, and we wanted to go there together, but I don´t know if I can if I don´t get better VERY soon. Am simply lying in bed, except for when I have to go out to get some food and drink.
The Salar trip was great, as you guys can imagine. Our drivers were a bit weird, we had the feelig all the time that they were lying to us about everything they could make up a lie about, but the trip was wonderful and the landscapes surreal. It was so good to see all the water on the Salar, but it also meant that I did now get a permission to sit on the roof!!
I´ll be back later with more detailed news, ok?
föstudagur, mars 01, 2002
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