miðvikudagur, maí 23, 2007


Sometimes I find it hard to believe I am still here. Sometimes I get angry at myself for not ditching people who ditch me. I have to fight myself to not become the mother of all bitches, bitter and enraged.

But this is what I wanted. Better grit my teeth and get it over with.

6 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Hva, ertu að eiga við einhverja kúkaklepra ´skan mín?
Knús Addý

Herdis sagði...

Kúkaklepra... hahahahahaha, þú komst mér strax í betra skap :)

Móðir, kona, meyja sagði...


ég er líka að fara á taugum, ef þér er einhver samkennd í því...

Mike sagði...

i, of course, have no idea of the specifics of your situation...

but people hurt you for all sorts of reasons - mainly ignorance - i feel totally rejected by most of my friends and have no idea why...

so anyhow, hang in their - keep your eyes on the prize, as they say...

Alisha Rene' sagði...

sorry 'bout your day :( lot o hugs. Sorry I missed you last night, I was tired lil girl;)

Herdis sagði...

Thanks for your words of encouragement, guys! Things will get better. It's just that some days are crappier than others, while the odd day here and there can actually be quite splendid. I guess I have to learn to not care how people behave. I've never been good at that.