föstudagur, júlí 27, 2007


It doesn't take a lot to make a little heart happy:

Yesterday I parallel parked my car into a really tight spot. A car that was driving behind me waited until I was in the spot, then drove on and parked nearby. As I walked past, the driver, who was putting some coins in the parking meter, stopped me and commented on what a great job I'd done getting the car in there.

Needless to say, I was walking on air for the rest of the day :)

3 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

You ROCK, pæjan þín. Is there anyting else to say.......?????

Móðir, kona, meyja sagði...

OK, I am green with envy. That is precisely the type of parking space I specifically avoid. For a good reason as well.

Herdis sagði...

Well, the funny thing is that I don't consider my self an accomplished parker at all... usually I'm pretty happy if I can get the car into our narrow garage without snapping the mirrors off... so I thought this was pretty remarkable :)