mánudagur, júlí 23, 2007


Of course I was part of this record. I haven't finished the book yet (had to read the Half-Blood Prince first!) but so far it's not letting me down.

4 ummæli:

Mike sagði...

this was a harry potter weekend here too...
was at the bookstore fri PM/sat am to buy it at midnight - got second copy (2 kids) from amazon...

then movie yest...

my older daughter finished it...

Herdis sagði...

Wow, that's dedication! A friend did the midnight thing and her enthusiasm rubbed off on me, otherwise I probably wouldn't have gotten the book yet. Am glad I did! Oh, and make sure your daughter doesn't spill the beans accidentally :)

Mike sagði...

lol - my family - esp. kids are more dedicated - but you know there are far worse things they could be up to than dragging me to the bookstore at midnight - then reading a near 800 pg book that's not even assigned for school - so i'm not going to complain....

re:spoilers - i pulled her aside and interrogated her to find out the details - but she knows not to drop spoilers to those that don't want them! i still haven't forgiven an rss feed that had a spoiler of a battlestar galactica episode i hadn't seen

Herdis sagði...

Good points re your kids = they could certainly be up to something a lot worse! As a kid I loved reading so much that my parents couldn't get me out of bed in the morning; I'd stay up until dawn reading, hidden under my duvet with a flashlight :) Saved me from sports, that's for sure :P