föstudagur, október 17, 2008

The money spent on getting disappointed could have generously funded my entire career as a research scientist, including funds for field work, conference travel, chemicals, some analytical equipment and a Ph.D. student or two. So, a career's worth of science versus CAMPAIGNING FOR a few years on the UN security council. If only they'd given that money to me, they'd have been generously rewarded ;)

2 ummæli:

krummi sagði...

I could not agree more! I find all this UN security council fantasy idea so hilariously stupid that I don't have a decent word for it.

Helvítis útrásarvitleysisgangur.

Herdis sagði...

Well, I for one find "Helvítis útrásarvitleysisgangur" a perfectly decent word (or two)!