I'm pretty bad at shamelessly promoting my own agenda. See, it was my b-day yesterday and I haven't told you about it yet. I'm such a slacker.
In other news, I'm sitting here at my desk crying with joy over the sheer genius of Google. They have an online calendar!!!!!
This past weekend was (well) spent on the ski slopes of Killington and Stowe, Vermont, in as much soft, fluffy, new snow as you'll ever get here in the northeast. We had a tremendously good time. I am such a lucky pamfile.
miðvikudagur, febrúar 21, 2007
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6 ummæli:
You are indeed a very lucky pamfile.
You guys need to write a Wiki entry on pamfile, just to let the rest of the world know.
Wow, my (non-existent) time management skills won't allow me to do that for a while... but in the meantime, check this out: http://www.pagat.com/stops/pukk.html. A few lines down, people will find everything they need to know to deduce the meaning of this wonderful word. And of course, pamfile = pamfíll.
Allamalla! Ekki vissi ég að pamfíll væri laufagosi. Lukkunnar laufagosi hljómar nú ansi vel er það ekki?
Hjartanlega sammála. Lukkunnar laufagosi ætti það vera héðan í frá, það hljómar miklu betur en pamfíll.
En pamfíll er svo skemmtilegt orð.
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