Well well me, here I am in the upstate, having all but abandoned my loyal reader.
Where to begin? I'm downloading the second episode of the second season of Grey's Anatomy so you all will have to take second place once the download finishes. I have every intention of becoming a total GA fanatic and I think that some strategic planning might convert Shan too... he did watch 4 (yes, that's four!!!) episodes with me last night.
Anyhow. Christmas this year, spent in Delaware, was lovely. Highlights include a fancy Christmas party at the Whitham mansion (kind of a similar affair to the Lindal-clan get-togethers on Christmas Day that I like so much), Christmas Eve dinner at a steakhouse and an invigorating discussion about the death penalty and immigration with a staunch Republican over Christmas dinner. No, no one got hurt...
Coming back to Ithaca from Houston was also lovely, especially since a) I did not get thrown off an overbooked plane or fall victim to mindboggling delays and b) my luggage arrived safe and sound in Ithaca with me, all three pieces! I was flying US (Sc-)airways and therefore both a) and b) must be regarded as absolute miracles.
Gee, how exciting my life is! Stay tuned for the next installment!!
föstudagur, desember 28, 2007
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3 ummæli:
Gray's er æði :D Við erum á þriðju seríu og svo segir Hallveig að sú fjórða sé betri...
Jibbí! Ég keypti aðra seríuna í gær og hlakka ekkert smá til að glápa frá mér allt vit ;)
Ég verð greinilega að fara að glápa á þetta...gleðilegt nýár, kerlíngin mín. Líka frá Líndal-klaninu.
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