miðvikudagur, febrúar 06, 2008

From the observation deck

My bank in Ithaca SUCKS. Do NOT under any circumstances do business with CFCU. Ever. I'm taking every last penny out of my accounts there as soon as I'm back in Ithaca. Just thinking about these people makes my blood pressure go through the roof.

Other than that, all's well in the Pearl of the Orient*. It's beginning to feel positively cozy to get into a tricycle, breathe some quality exhaust and bump your head in the roof about 10 times on the 3 minute ride from Philcoa to Makatarungan Street. Já, Manila er ágæt:

Tomorrow I'm taking off with Titan, the gentle giant, for some more fieldwork. This time we're going around Laguna de Bay and over the mountains east of the lake to Infanta. While we're there our lodging is at Titan's uncle's house. I'm excited about that, having never really been in a real Filipino home. Afterwards we're headed for two days in the Mt. Pinatubo area, returning only to deposit me on a plane to Honolulu. Amazeen how time flies when you're having fun. Which is what I'm doing (even if the morons at my bank tried their hardest to ruin my trip).

Am planning on a visit to Iceland this summer. I hope August works for people. While I'm there the plan is to attend the IAVCEI (International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior...) conference and say hi to some buddies there. My work hasn't much relevance to the topics of the conference but I can at least go there to observe... and to drink beer with fun people. That's the primary function of conferences anyway, right?

A hike would be nice too. Anyone up for doing Bárðargata with me??

* That's what they used to call Manila

2 ummæli:

Móðir, kona, meyja sagði...

I actually read that as Titan, the FEMALE giant....and had a rather unwelcome mental picture of 'her'...

Nafnlaus sagði...

Gott að gengur svona vel hjá þér og frábært að fá þig aðeins heim í sumar. Treflarnir hafa komið sér ansi vel takk aftur.
Knús úr fárviðrinu
Addý og co.