I'm sure you all knew, or at least suspected, that labeling of ingredients in comsumer products isn't really up to snuff. Check out
this article to find out how right you were. The US really needs to get its act together, I dare say (and not only on the poisoning-the-citizens front).
2 ummæli:
See, I've always had my suspicion about air fresheners. Ew.
My thoughts exactly. Air "freshener"?!?!
(Although I have to admit to using one such, Lysol, to de-smelling the musty, moldy dining chairs I got for free the other day. I keep them in a separate, well-ventilated room and spray them all over once a day or so. I'm hoping the must/mold smell will eventually go away... but in the meantime I'm not exposing myself to either the mold or the Lysol smell.)
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