mánudagur, júlí 31, 2006

Ithaca's heroes

It honestly feels like I'm being deep-fried.

Saturday felt hot. Or maybe it was just me. In any case I sweated like a pig riding around Skaneateles Lake, up numerous hills (some of them very much unpaved and gravelly - which lent a sense of adventure to the whole endeavour) and with the wind in the face often enough that I caught myself wondering if I'd been beamed over to Iceland in the Miocene. Haríharíhar, that was a geologist's joke, aren't I funny??!? Arriving in Skaneateles town I sneaked my way into the town's fanciest restaurant's bathroom (wow, lots of genitive there) and seeing my face redder than an overripe tomato I was happy not to have bumped into my hero Bill in the lobby ;) Us outing clubbers had lunch at the famous fish-fry joint in town and didn't meet anyone famous. The town does have a bit of the Nantucket feeling about it, though. The Nantuckety people were all looking at this glorious boat show by the lake, which I wowed to visit the following day with my beloved co-habitator.

And so we did. It was lovely. I saw, for the first time ever, a Joel White/Herreshoff boat in person. Why is that important? Hah, before meeting a certain somebody I woundn't have known. But now I know: Because these are the most beautiful boats on Earth!

Well, the recently-turned-tropical outdoors of my 'Mercan hometown await. I'd better get the spandex on!

Oh, and btw, the title obviously refers to my lovely co-habitator and his girlfriend, who are braving global warming and heatstroke by going out for a bike ride.

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