fimmtudagur, desember 21, 2006

Next chapter

Well, I passed.

And now my upper arm aches. I got four shots of vaccines today and bought almost 200 dollars worth of anti-malaria pills. Sounds like this Philippines trip is coming up pretty fast, right?

But first to Iceland. Tomorrow, to be precise. It'll be interesting to see my dear old Iceland totally saturated with winter rains.

And in case you wondered, the exam was really really REALLY hard. I thought for a while they weren't going to pass me. It was over three hours of relentless probing and prodding and debate. My brain was so fried at the end that I could hardly say my own name. But it was immensely useful and I'm very glad that I'm done.

Then, after work today, I realized that today was the first day that I felt entitled to be in grad school.

1 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Hooray! I'm sure my brain will be equally fried in a few weeks. Let's hope it meets with similar results.