Well, guess what. I already gave my talk!
It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Everybody in the room heard me. I stayed within time limits. My throat was dry towards the end, but that's manageable. At the end there was time for only one question from the audience, and the question I got was one that I had actually researched and found a pretty cool answer to. An altogether encouraging experience.
þriðjudagur, ágúst 21, 2007
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congrats :)
Go girl! Auðvitað tókstu þau í nefið þarna, nema hvað?!
Knús Addý
Þú rokkar svo feitt! Ég er ótrúlega ánægð meððig að rústa þessu svona eftir að ganga í gegnum undanfarna viku.
glad your talk went well!! I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!
Thanks, guys!! I was pretty pleased :)
Ali, I miss you guys too!!!! How's everything going out in Indiana??
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