föstudagur, ágúst 17, 2007


These last three days haven't been good. At all. Wednesday the headache started and since I didn't knock it out right away with some ibuprofen it grew to astronomical proportions, rendering me totally incapable of working until now. In fact, I almost didn't sleep at all for the last two nights. This morning I called up the doctor and was sent home with a bag full of prescription painkillers. Those fortunately allowed me to sleep for 6 hours straight, but now my back hurts instead of the head. And my stomach is a total mess, not having seen a regular meal in three days. The joy. And all this just as I was supposed to be composing my talk for the Goldschmidt conference. Yikes.

1 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Gott að sjá að þú náðir að sofa! Ég rotaðist sjálf út frá John Daniels vini mínum. Svefnlestin í skýjunum klikkar ekki.

Er ekki málið bara að kaupa auka batterí í tölvuna og semja fyrirlesturinn á leiðinni yfir hafið?