fimmtudagur, október 11, 2007

Currently making me happy:

My iPod, playing this and this and this and this.

5 ummæli:

Mike sagði...

the dixie chicks!?

wow, you are a texan

Herdis sagði...

Well, when in Rome...

Actually my Dixie Chicks stage started way before I even decided to go to Texas. I just really like their music... but it's the only country I ever listen to. Voluntarily, that is.

Nafnlaus sagði...

Hey! What about Tammy?

Mike sagði...

not a huge fan of their music - but give them points for their politics!

*old* country music is good - hank williams (sr. of course...) but it is rarely my choice either

Herdis sagði...

Oh, forgot all about Tammy... she's pretty awesome too, or at least the one song I know :)

And Mike, I agree with you on the DC's politics. It's just depressing to think about what they were put through after exercising free speech. Sadly, it speaks volumes about the state of democracy in this country. But I also think their music is awesome!!