miðvikudagur, október 17, 2007


Houstonians ar the most friendly and easy-going lot I've met in a long while. I wonder if it is because most of them are Europeans?


See, I'm evil. Anyway, my colleagues here in this massive, sprawling city are so nice! They make sure I don't have to eat my lunches alone. They come over and introduce themselves and offer help and assistance (and sound like they mean it). They invite me to their housewarming parties. They have lovely friends who invite me out to meet their friends. And the list goes on. Even on the bus, people are friendly and ready to chat.

I find all this rather wonderful, I have to say.

4 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

æj en frábært... gaman að heyra :)

Móðir, kona, meyja sagði...

when you mentioned food, i assumed you were going to tell us they offered to feed you as well...

Nafnlaus sagði...

Auðvitað eru allir sætir við þig, er eitthvað hægt annað!? :)

Knús Addý og co.

Alisha Rene' sagði...

sounds nice y'all :)