Following up on the conversation about my last post: Gräddost. Or, as Bryan puts it:
"Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
Ya know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you
There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way"
mánudagur, janúar 30, 2006
sunnudagur, janúar 29, 2006
Red and cheese and 24
Now what could be better to round off a season of 24 than a glass of red and Brauðostur on the side?
We at Seneca Winter Resort have during the last week been obsessed with Jack Bauer, his imbecile cutie-pie daughter Kim, the radiating George Mason and the rest of the gang trying to a) start WWIII and b) stop WWIII. Today alone, we watched 6 shows. We're insane.
We at Seneca Winter Resort have during the last week been obsessed with Jack Bauer, his imbecile cutie-pie daughter Kim, the radiating George Mason and the rest of the gang trying to a) start WWIII and b) stop WWIII. Today alone, we watched 6 shows. We're insane.
fimmtudagur, janúar 26, 2006
Bragging rights
I'm a bit late in telling you, but last Monday I earned serious bragging rights. A small bird in Iceland alerted me to the fact and it's about time you got to know. Here goes. For the time being the item giving me the bragging rights is at the very top of the page. Latecomers to this post might have to scroll down a little bit as other prophets earn their bragging rights in the future.
þriðjudagur, janúar 24, 2006
In the absence of anything interesting to say,
I'm sharing this with you:
Shamlessly stolen from kristiv.
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Herdis2002!
- In a pinch, the skin from a shark can be used as herdis2002!
- People used to believe that dressing their male children as herdis2002 would protect them from evil spirits.
- Baskin Robbins once made herdis2002 flavoured ice cream.
- A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted herdis2002.
- Neil Armstrong first stepped on herdis2002 with his left foot!
- Herdis2002 is black with white stripes, not white with black stripes!
- If you don't get out of bed on the same side you got in, you will have herdis2002 for the rest of the day.
- Herdis2002 has four noses.
- It can take herdis2002 several days to move just through one tree.
- Herdis2002 can turn her stomach inside out.
Shamlessly stolen from kristiv.
miðvikudagur, janúar 18, 2006
Tagged - again
Four jobs I´ve had in my life:
Snowmobile guide (skikkelig harry!)
Tourist guide on innumerable Golden Circles and Blue Lagoon trips
TA for a bizarre assortment of classes at Cornell
Some ennui in a fish factory in Ísafjörður when I was 14
Four movies I could watch over and over (and have!):
Oklahoma (ehemm... I think I already did enough of that)
The black fingernail - a severly overlooked "Carry On" gem
Kill Bill, both parts
Finding Nemo
Four places you have lived:
Garðabær (thoroughly not recommended)
Longyearbyen (thoroughly recommended - for those who are harry at heart)
La Paz
Four TV shows you love to watch:
(*are there four TV shows out there??)
Sex and the City
Frontline on NPR - only available to me on the laptop but still darn good
Any science show, such as The Elegant Universe
Any and all British crime series
Four places you have been on vacation:
Burlington, VT
Montreal, QC
Portland, OR
Na Pali Coast, HI (ok, so I took some watersamples there, but it was still a vacation...)
Four websites I visit daily:
The Aerospace Engineer
Four of my favourite foods:
dried mango
tex-mex chicken soup
whole-wheat pasta with pretty much anything (except for minced beef, holy Jesus!)
chocolate (and don't try to tell me it isn't food, ok?)
Four places I would rather be right now:
On the pink couch
Skiing, maybe at Jackson Hole
I wouldn't mind taking all my papers and stuff to a rustic little cabin in the middle of nowhere (i.e. backcountry, choked in snow) and sit there reading and drinking hot chocolate
In Reykjavík listening to my sister Lára's stories from New Zealand
Four bloggers I am tagging:
Lára (you need to get your blog going again, sister!)
The Aerospace Engineer (idem)
Erna (such a wonderfully rapid response last time, thanks!)
Snowmobile guide (skikkelig harry!)
Tourist guide on innumerable Golden Circles and Blue Lagoon trips
TA for a bizarre assortment of classes at Cornell
Some ennui in a fish factory in Ísafjörður when I was 14
Four movies I could watch over and over (and have!):
Oklahoma (ehemm... I think I already did enough of that)
The black fingernail - a severly overlooked "Carry On" gem
Kill Bill, both parts
Finding Nemo
Four places you have lived:
Garðabær (thoroughly not recommended)
Longyearbyen (thoroughly recommended - for those who are harry at heart)
La Paz
Four TV shows you love to watch:
(*are there four TV shows out there??)
Sex and the City
Frontline on NPR - only available to me on the laptop but still darn good
Any science show, such as The Elegant Universe
Any and all British crime series
Four places you have been on vacation:
Burlington, VT
Montreal, QC
Portland, OR
Na Pali Coast, HI (ok, so I took some watersamples there, but it was still a vacation...)
Four websites I visit daily:
The Aerospace Engineer
Four of my favourite foods:
dried mango
tex-mex chicken soup
whole-wheat pasta with pretty much anything (except for minced beef, holy Jesus!)
chocolate (and don't try to tell me it isn't food, ok?)
Four places I would rather be right now:
On the pink couch
Skiing, maybe at Jackson Hole
I wouldn't mind taking all my papers and stuff to a rustic little cabin in the middle of nowhere (i.e. backcountry, choked in snow) and sit there reading and drinking hot chocolate
In Reykjavík listening to my sister Lára's stories from New Zealand
Four bloggers I am tagging:
Lára (you need to get your blog going again, sister!)
The Aerospace Engineer (idem)
Erna (such a wonderfully rapid response last time, thanks!)
Gem of the week
is here. Keep in mind though, when you click on the link, that mine is a geologist's blog.
Word of the week
comes from Þórdís' site: Smérkúkur. Segi það og skrifa, smérkúkur. Múahahahahahahaha, this has kept me sniggering and/or in fits of laughter since I read the post. Loosely translated... well, I'm not sure I'm up to the task here. Stína, Erna, anyone, any suggestions?
Það er gaman að lifa þegar góðir hlutir gerast. Og ekki skemmir fyrir að hlutaðeigandi skuli loksins taka hintinu.
mánudagur, janúar 16, 2006
Sælir náttúruunnendur!
úr pósthólfinu mínu í dag:
"Náttúruvaktin beinir þeim tillmælum til allra náttúruunnenda að þeir fjölmenni við Ráðhús Reykjavíkur klukkan 14 á morgun, þriðjudag, þegar Ólafur F. Magnússon borgarfulltrúi leggur fram tillögu sína í borgarstjórn um verndun Þjórsárvera. Á sama tíma verður stuðningsstaða við Ráðhúsið til sýna tillögunni samstöðu og hvetja borgarfulltrúa til að virða þá ómetanlegu gersemi sem Þjórsárver eru með því að greiða tillögunni atkvæði sitt.
Nú er lag, möguleiki á að þrýsta á verndun Þjórsárvera og stækkun friðlandsins. Mætum og hvetjum stjórn borgarinnar til að nýta eignaraðild sína í Landsvirkjun til verndar Þjórsárverum og varðveita þannig þjóðargersemi, svæði sem á ekki sinn líka um veröld víða, um ókomna tíð.
Lifi Þjórsárver
"Náttúruvaktin beinir þeim tillmælum til allra náttúruunnenda að þeir fjölmenni við Ráðhús Reykjavíkur klukkan 14 á morgun, þriðjudag, þegar Ólafur F. Magnússon borgarfulltrúi leggur fram tillögu sína í borgarstjórn um verndun Þjórsárvera. Á sama tíma verður stuðningsstaða við Ráðhúsið til sýna tillögunni samstöðu og hvetja borgarfulltrúa til að virða þá ómetanlegu gersemi sem Þjórsárver eru með því að greiða tillögunni atkvæði sitt.
Nú er lag, möguleiki á að þrýsta á verndun Þjórsárvera og stækkun friðlandsins. Mætum og hvetjum stjórn borgarinnar til að nýta eignaraðild sína í Landsvirkjun til verndar Þjórsárverum og varðveita þannig þjóðargersemi, svæði sem á ekki sinn líka um veröld víða, um ókomna tíð.
Lifi Þjórsárver
föstudagur, janúar 13, 2006
Boatbuilding and other pastimes
Finally, finally (i.e. loksins, loksins!)! At the suggestion of my lovely cohabitator we are ganging up with some friend with the aim of - ratatata - building our own boat!! A sketch is shown here. Isn't it a splendid boat? Smár en knár, that's the motto here.
The annual Snee Graduate Research Symposium was held today. That's when we students get to put together a 10-minute talk about our research, or attempts at research, and present it to anyone who wants to listen. We also feed all those in attendance, and that's why I missed all the talks in the morning (I started making the soup I had volunteered to make at midnight, reasoning that putting it off until the morning and therefore having to wake up at 7 am was an absolute impossibility for me. Thus I didn't get much sleep until 5:30, when the soup was ready and I could jump out of bed to toss the pot into the fridge. Which meant that I slept like a baby until 10:30 am. I deeply apologize.) Anyways, I gave my talk and I hear that I did pretty well. Which of course makes me happy, because I think that it's fun. It may be nerve-wrecking, but it's also a lot of fun.
Looks like my Hawaii-fieldwork might get pushed back about a month. That's good.
The annual Snee Graduate Research Symposium was held today. That's when we students get to put together a 10-minute talk about our research, or attempts at research, and present it to anyone who wants to listen. We also feed all those in attendance, and that's why I missed all the talks in the morning (I started making the soup I had volunteered to make at midnight, reasoning that putting it off until the morning and therefore having to wake up at 7 am was an absolute impossibility for me. Thus I didn't get much sleep until 5:30, when the soup was ready and I could jump out of bed to toss the pot into the fridge. Which meant that I slept like a baby until 10:30 am. I deeply apologize.) Anyways, I gave my talk and I hear that I did pretty well. Which of course makes me happy, because I think that it's fun. It may be nerve-wrecking, but it's also a lot of fun.
Looks like my Hawaii-fieldwork might get pushed back about a month. That's good.
miðvikudagur, janúar 11, 2006
Ok, I couldn't contain myself:
Your Social Dysfunction: Schizotypal You display social deficits and oddities of thinking. Your perception and communication are similar to those of a schizophrenic. | ||||
| ||||
Take this quiz at Please note that we aren't, nor do we claim to be, psychologists. This quiz is for fun and entertainment only. Try not to freak out about your results. |
þriðjudagur, janúar 10, 2006
Yo man!
I can't believe it's been over a week - yes, over a WEEK - since I last posted anything to this site. I guess I could have posted the results of the test I took the other day (which social dysfunction are you) but they didn't exactly lend themselves to be published. My poor shrink, if he only knew...
As usually, I could be very busy but I'm withstanding the temptation. A grad student symposium is coming up this Friday and I'll be giving a talk. Not a single slide is ready, not even the title slide. Usually I'm pretty good at making title slides and sometimes I get them done as much as 3 days in advance. Alas, not this time. My next field season in Hawaii is also coming up and I haven't even bought the plane ticket yet. Let alone started acid-washing the sample bottles, since the bottles are still in the warehouse from where I have to buy them. Efforts are under way, though, to vacuum out the other sample bottles, so I haven't been completely idle. If, that is, sending an email and then browsing online scientific supplies stores counts as not being completely idle.
A major event happened in my home the other day. Shan, my lovely cohabitator, bought a guitar, just like he has wanted to do for years. It's a beautiful guitar. I have to say that our home has become significantly more cultural since the advent of the instrument and I'm enjoying every evening serenade I get.
Well, I'll save you more gibberish until next time. Lifið heil!
As usually, I could be very busy but I'm withstanding the temptation. A grad student symposium is coming up this Friday and I'll be giving a talk. Not a single slide is ready, not even the title slide. Usually I'm pretty good at making title slides and sometimes I get them done as much as 3 days in advance. Alas, not this time. My next field season in Hawaii is also coming up and I haven't even bought the plane ticket yet. Let alone started acid-washing the sample bottles, since the bottles are still in the warehouse from where I have to buy them. Efforts are under way, though, to vacuum out the other sample bottles, so I haven't been completely idle. If, that is, sending an email and then browsing online scientific supplies stores counts as not being completely idle.
A major event happened in my home the other day. Shan, my lovely cohabitator, bought a guitar, just like he has wanted to do for years. It's a beautiful guitar. I have to say that our home has become significantly more cultural since the advent of the instrument and I'm enjoying every evening serenade I get.
Well, I'll save you more gibberish until next time. Lifið heil!
mánudagur, janúar 02, 2006
Happy New Year!
What a fabulously fantastic vacation! Shan and I took off after Christmas and returned, tired and happy and sore-legged (at least me), on New Years Eve. Mad River Glen, Burlington, Lake Champlain, Montreal, Mont Tremblant. Fantastique.
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