mánudagur, desember 02, 2002

Alex visited today, as she sometimes does. She was working here full-time before she had little Líney Inga, and if it weren´t for her maternity leave she and I would be working together, with nothing but a thin wall separating us. Oh, that would be nice!!

She brought her Líney with her. That girl is a real charm troll, as we say in Iceland, smiling to everyone and not complaining at all if someone else holds her. I got to hold her and show her some of the mysteries of my computer screen (which, btw, has been fluorescent yellow-green all day, making me slightly nauseatic...), warned by her mom about the imminent possibility of her throwing up. I certainly did not think so, why would that gorgeous little baby girl throw up on me?!? So I babbled with her, rather absorbed in some feature of a map I was drawing, and the next time I look at her, which must have been no more than 30 seconds after I got her on my lap, she was sporting a whitish slimy trail of vomit down her cute red apron, with the trail extending down onto my cardigan and my soldier´s pants.

The thing that amazes me here is the sheer elegance of the scene. If I vomit, noone in a radius of a few hundred meters can help noticing it. When little Líney does the same noone notices, not even me, holding her on my lap. From now on I´m taking Líney as my role model.

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