föstudagur, júní 13, 2008

Not without incidence

My evening was not without incidence. I left work relatively early and walked home only to find that I had forgotten my keys at work. After taking a few deep breaths and cursing myself silently I called my office mate to borrow her keys. Then I walked to her place and accepted her offer for a ride up to campus (it takes a superhuman effort on my behalf to ask for help so of course I couldn't ask for that ride, see?). Once we were in the office I realized I had left the keys in the LAB, not the office, and my friend doesn't have the keys to the lab. So, we drove back and I called my landlord, whose answering machine directed me to the maintenance guy, who thought about this long and hard and finally asked: "Do you have 20 bucks?". Twenty minutes later the guy arrives to open the door to my room, only to find that he had brought the wrong set of keys (hysterical laughter may start here). I guess he really wanted those 20 bucks pretty badly b/c next thing I know, the guy is on the roof, making his way to the window of my room. So I finally got in; a stinking old guy with long fingernails opened the door for me FROM WITHIN!

After this horrendously hysterical evening, I'm finally getting ready to dissolve into my lovely IKEA reclining chair and (hopefully) laugh my pants off with Alvin and the Chipmunks.

3 ummæli:

Lára sagði...

hahaha what a night.

Mike sagði...


i love ikea's diagram instructions -little works of art.... ny wife doesn't like that style - other wise my house would be ikealand....

alvin and the chipmunks was cute....i have two kids and its great when there is a movie we all can like - such as that and kung fu panda which we saw this week...

Herdis sagði...

Lára, it WAS quite a night :D Especially the part about a stinking old fellow greeting me INSIDE my own room! I might have been permanently psychologically traumatized by this ;)

Mike, I never thought of the IKEA instructions in this way but yes, you're right. If you ever feel like stepping into ikealand without going to a store, you're welcome for a visit to my future home :) As long as I have any say in the matter (and I can't see why I shouldn't) my home will be ikea, top to toe. I *heart* ikea :)