miðvikudagur, apríl 25, 2007

Soooo annoying

I hate this: Every day I come in with the best of intentions to get loads of work done. Then I run around chasing my tail, going to classes or to the post office or sending some vital emails or heaven knows what until it's... 1:30pm and the workday is almost over and I, you guessed it, haven't gotten anything done. This drives me nuts. So I start blogging. What's the matter with me??

(Kannski það sé skrifstofufélaginn sem snýtir sér og sýgur horinn upp í nefið til skiptis, milli þess sem hann kvartar hástöfum yfir óréttlæti heimsins og ber lyklaborðið eins og allir stafirnir væru leiðbeinandinn hans...)

4 ummæli:

Móðir, kona, meyja sagði...


Herdis sagði...

fliss ?!?$()%/")$Y!/!?Ð#"

Herdis sagði...

Handbag lady, I like your handbag

Mike sagði...

lol - me too - esp. when the work is grading - that's what i am (not) doing right now