miðvikudagur, júlí 04, 2007

I hope they don't have a dog!!

Can you find the dead goldfish in the picture??

Update: Honorable mention will go to the one who can find the second dead goldfish too!

4 ummæli:

Alisha Rene' sagði...

dude, seriously, they chucked 2 angel type fisheeeees in your garden. Dude, not a compost people. This is not your personal animal recycle bin. Herdis, invite me over, I'll give them Ali attitude!!!!

Herdis sagði...

Ali attitude soundz scary! Just what those... erm... people need!

I think I might have to put a sign in the yard saying "this is not a landfill". Think they'd get the message??

Móðir, kona, meyja sagði...

I actually second that motion. Your house would certainly stand out in the neighbourhood. But aren't you afraid it would attract the wrong kind of attention?

Herdis sagði...

Hon, it's getting all the wrong kinds of attention anyway. And this is actually the back yard so no one ever sees it anyway except for, of course, us tenants. Which is probably why the landlord has let the weeds grow there unattended for years... nay, decades.