þriðjudagur, júlí 24, 2007

Tales from the back yard, cont.

I haven't updated you on the situation in the backyard recently.

So, no more dead pets since last time. Only one cigarette butt or two. No candle wax either. Nice enough. Problems over?

Not quite. Now bricks are disappearing. Not just the ones forming a division in the flower beds and which I excavated from under years of neglect earlier this summer, but also the ones forming the walkway into the house. Yes, you are right - the "sidewalk" around the house is disappearing. The maintenance staff seems to think that some of the (former) tenants are harvesting the bricks for... something...

Any idea from my loyal readers as to what might be ailing those poor morons' souls??

3 ummæli:

rockbridge sagði...

thanks for the nice comment about my basalt tank - i hope to get a decent picture of it soon! my head is still spinning over your snapping turtle skirt - a skirt that looks good on and off - you should be very proud!

Herdis sagði...

Thanks *blush*... I'm really happy with the skirt, just like I think you'll be very happy with your tank :)

Herdis sagði...

Oh, and I see you're also a Ph.D. student in Geosciences. That means we have more in common than just knitmania :)